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Frequently asked questions

If you do not see an answer to your question here, the Band App is a great place to communicate with the coaches and parents.   You can message coaches directly and ask questions to the team there.

What is Band App?

Band App is the communication app that the club uses to communicate events, information and upload photos.  Download the band app and request to join the CT Wrestling Team group.  You must be a wrestling parent or wrestler to be approved to join.

When is practice?

Practice starts mid November.  Practice is Mon-Fri at 4pm-6:00pm unless there is a dual meet.  Practices are MANDATORY for athletes to participate in duals and tournaments.  If athletes are late to practice, there are consequences for the entire team.  If an athlete misses practice, they may not be able to compete in duals/tournaments that week. If an athlete is consistently late or misses multiple practices, they may be cut from the team.  

Are there uniforms?

Yes.  Wrestlers are required to purchase a gear package (if they don't already have one).   There is a separate fee for gear.  The warmup set is REQUIRED to be worn at dual meets and on the podium at tournaments.  Practice uniforms are required on Team Tuesday.  Shoes and headgear are NOT part of the gear package and are required to practice and compete.  You can purchase any wrestling shoes and headgear of your choosing.  CHECK THE GEAR PAGE FOR MORE INFO.

What about singlets?

Athletes who are wrestling at duals and tournaments will receive a clean singlet the day of.  They will need to return the singlet prior to leaving the dual/tournament.  They CAN NOT take singlets home or keep them.

When are tournaments?

Tournaments and duals begin at the end of November.  League duals are during the week and tournaments are typically on Saturday.   Some tournaments are multiple days over the weekend.  Coach will notify wrestlers that week who will be competing and where.

How will I know if my wrestler is competing in a dual meet?

All wrestlers are required to attend league dual meets (unless otherwise noted by coaches).  All wrestlers should wear their warm-up gear and have shoes and headgear ready.   Typically the complete roster list is not available until just before the meet, so coaches will match up wrestlers to opponents in their weight class and will let students know if they have a match or not at weigh-ins.   They will try to get as many matches as possible based on how many wrestlers the other team has.  (ex: opponent has 2 non-Varsity wrestlers for 132lbs, we can have 2 non-varsity 132lb matches) There will only be one Varsity wrestler per weight class competing.   Any other wrestlers who are able to get a match will wrestle prior at JV level.  Sometimes schools do not have any wrestlers in a particular weight bracket.   It all depends on how big the opposing team is for how many matches can be made.

What if my wrestler is sick?

If your wrestler is ill and they go/stay home sick, they need to personally reach out to coach to notify him that they will not be at practice.  If a wrestler misses practice, they may not be able to compete in duals or tournaments that week. When they miss practice, they miss important training and skills during the week and coach does not want them to get injured at a dual/tournament as a result.

What is certification?

At the begining of the season, your wrestler will be required to be "certified" in their weight bracket.  They will be required to show that they are appropriately hydrated and will weigh in.  Coaches will then certify them to wrestle in that bracket for the season.  If your wrestler moves up or down in weight, they will need to be re-certified in order to ensure that they can compete in the new bracket for health/safety reasons.  Typically they are only certified one time in the season.

What are summer weights and camp?

Summer weights and camps are optional, but highly encouraged.   There is a fee for these that will be paid and registered through Mile High Sports Camps.


Weights are usually Mon-Thurs mornings throughout the summer.  In June, there may be additional wrestling practice opportunities during the week after weights.   There is also a week long summer camp open to all athletes, usually 6-12 grade, and all skill levels at a separate fee.  This will also be found on Mile High Sports Camps when the camp is scheduled.


Our Band App will be the best place to get notified of more information when summer training is planned and scheduled. 

What is ring worm?  What if my wrestler has a skin issue?

Ring worm is a contageous parasitic fungal infection on the skin.  It can be transmitted with skin on skin contact.  The team is required to clean the mats every day prior to use and are highly encouraged to clean themselves with Defense wipes and wash immediately after practice/duals with Defense soap, Head and Shoulders, or comparable washes.


If you believe your wrestler may have a skin issue - they should talk to coach IMMEDIATELY.  Coach can instruct them/you on what steps to take next to get treatment.



  • Stay healthy.  Eating well and having a strong immune system can help fight off any infections.

  • Wipe body down with Defense wipes immediately after practice/matches.

  • Clean headgear and shoes with anti-bacterial cleaner

  • Don't wear shoes outside of the wrestling room/mats.   Put on shoe covers or change into slip on shoes between matches.

  • Shower IMMEDIATELY after practice or duals/tournaments.  Wash with good cleansers.  We recommend Defense body wash and Head & Shoulders shampoo.

  • Keep cuts and scrapes cleaned and covered.  Wound spray can help.

When do we need to register?

Registration is due by Nov. 1st.  You must submit a current physical form and pay the $90 registration fee via the athletics website.   Students may not practice until registration is confirmed.  Coach can not submit these for you.  REGISTER HERE

What is Mat Boss?

During most dual meets and some tournaments, matches will be recorded and uploaded to the Mat Boss website.  Your wrestler will be able to view any recorded matches here.   More information will be sent out to your wrestler at the start of the season.

Do wrestlers have to wear mouthpieces?

Mouthpieces are only required to be worn at duals/tournaments if your wrestler has braces.  Mouthpieces are not provided by the school and you may purchase any of your choosing. 

What about headgear and shoes?

Wrestlers are required to wear headgear and wrestling shoes at practice, duals and tournaments.   These are not included in the gear package and must be purchased separately.  ONLY WRESTLING SHOES ARE ALLOWED ON MATS!  Wrestling shoes should also not be worn to walk around outside of the mats to avoid carrying bacteria onto the mats.  Wrestlers with braces MUST wear mouthpieces - both top and bottom braces must be protected.  CHECK THE GEAR PAGE FOR MORE INFO.

How long are weekend tournaments/duals?

Weekend duals and tournaments can last all day.  There are admission fees for spectators.  Typically weigh-ins are around 6:30am and are required for your wrestler to be there.  Events usually start around 8-9am and can last into the afternoon.  Multi-day tournaments can go into the evening as well.   Plan on bringing enough water and snacks for your wrestler.  Most locations have concessions for purchase for spectators.   There are not set times for matches - they are based on how long other matches last.


For individual bracket style tournaments, you can view brackets and mat assignments at You can also view past event results there.  

What are commitment expectations?

Wrestling is a no-cut sport.  If your wrestler is willing to show up to practice, prepared and on time and works hard to the best of their ability, coach will always find as many opportunities for them to get mat time/matches.   If your wrestler is consistently late, doesn't show up to practice, doesn't follow directions or rules - they will be cut from the team and there will be no refunds for gear or dues.  

What if my wrestler has to miss practice?

Wrestlers should personally reach out to coach to notify him that they will not be at practice.  If a wrestler misses practice, they may not be able to compete in duals or tournaments that week. When they miss practice, they miss important training and skills during the week and coach does not want them to get injured at a dual/tournament as a result.

Duals vs Tournaments

Duals are when our team wrestles one other team.  There is usually one wrestler per weight bracket that wrestles their opponent in the same weight bracket.   They will wrestle each weight bracket of the same school until complete.  Tournaments/Regionals/State - are wrestled in weight brackets for all teams in weight pools.   Wrestlers are competing as an individual in their bracket, however, they still earn points as a team.

Why doesn't the roster list Varsity, JV and C-team?

Wrestlers will compete at their skill level.  We want them to have as many opportunities to get on the mat as possible and wrestlers may be chosen to go to "JV Level" tournaments/duals to give them the opportunity to wrestle.  Wrestlers may move up (or down) as they build their skills throughout the season.  There may be wrestle-offs during the week if there are multiple wrestlers of the same weight bracket and skill level to determine who will compete at the Varsity level matches that week. Practice attendance and injuries may also play a factor on which level they compete with or if they are able to compete that week at all.

Is there out of state travel?

There are opportunities for wrestlers to compete at out-of-state tournaments and also attend out-of-state camps in the summer.   During the season, wrestlers for out of state tournaments are selected prior based on their skill level and weight.   These are Varsity level tournaments.  


In the off-season, tournaments like the "Adidas Nationals" and summer camps are open to all wrestlers, but do have out-of-pocket expenses.   There will be more information about the fees and travel expenses for these throughout the season.   The best place to get this information is on the Band App. 

What are dues? And how much are they?

Dues are the required fee for the season that each wrestler is responsible for.   Dues pay for equipment, singlets, cleaning materials and tournament fees.  Dues for the 24-25 season are TBD.  This does NOT include the uniform package, shoes or headgear.  Dues are able to be paid through many fundraising options throughout the season and during the summer.  Our Band App is the best way to get information about fundraising opportunities.

Are there breaks?

There is an optional practice Thanksgiving day and there are usually a couple days off around the Christmas holiday.  There is mandatory practice during Winter Break and some practices may be moved to the morning during school breaks.  If wrestlers miss practice, they may not be able to wrestle in any duals or tournaments that week.  Missing practice means they miss important training and skills during the week and coach does not want them to get injured as a result.

How do I get gear?

If you are registered for the season and have missed the gear ordering deadline, please reach out to  Gear is ordered prior to the start of the season. CHECK THE GEAR PAGE FOR MORE INFO.

What is Team Tuesday?

Wrestlers are required to wear their practice shirt/shorts EVERY TUESDAY.   They may wear practice clothes of their choice the rest of the week.   CHECK THE GEAR PAGE FOR MORE INFO.

When will I know if my wrestler is competing on the weekend?

Coach will release the tournament roster the week of a tournament or dual.  There are usually 2-3 tournaments/duals every weekend and coach will place athletes at each tournament based on their skill level and attendance.   If a wrestler has missed 1 or more days of practice that week, they may not be selected to wrestle because it is not safe.  They miss important training and skills during the week and coach does not want them to get injured as a result.

What about their grades?

Wrestlers are Student Athletes.  That means they are a student first.   Grade reports are sent out to coaches on Wednesdays every week and students that have more than 1 F are not eligible to compete in any duals or tournaments that week.  


Our wrestlers have consistently held above average GPAs year after year.  Many of them participate in other school activities and clubs as well.  If at any time your wrestler is struggling with their grades, they should reach out to coach to make a plan and can bring their assignments to practice and work on them outside the wrestling room.

What are weigh-ins?

Wrestlers are required to weigh in prior to dual meets and tournaments.  Typically tournament weigh-ins are at 6:30am at the location of the tournament.  Wrestlers must be within the weight allowance for their weight bracket at weigh-ins.   Once they have weighed in, they are allowed to eat/drink.   More information about what to eat in the "what should my wrestler eat" section.

What should my wrestler eat?

It is important that your wrestler stay hydrated.   Water and electrolyte drinks are ok.  After weigh-ins, wrestlers can have snacks such as PBJs, oranges, bananas, protein bars, turkey sandwiches, etc.  Usually parents coordinate these snacks prior to tournaments/duals. 


Your wrestler should take this very seriously and they are encouraged to take responsibility for what they eat and their overall health and fitness.   Fast food, soda and candy are strongly discouraged.  Wrestlers should be eating balanced meals with high protein and good carbs.   It is important that your wrestler manage their weight for their weight bracket in the healthiest way possible. Coach is always available to your wrestler if they have questions about their diet or supplements. 


We partner with FitRepublic in Southlands and they offer services and discounts for their supplements and food prep services to our atheletes.  

What are wrestle-offs?

Wrestle-offs may happen during the week if there are multiple wrestlers of the same weight bracket and skill level to determine who will compete at the Varsity level matches that week.

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